Make use of proxy bids.. and save thousands.

Several winning bidders of recent domain auctions discovered nice offers flying their way hours after the auctions ended.

Looks like these buyers vastly missed the boat (or plane?) and were instantly offering x5 times the amounts the domains were sold for.

You ask - how could they miss the bidding? Why they didn’t utilize proxy bids, which are so easy to place for them to work for you?

I guess some bidders still distrust making early (or high) bids, thinking it is exposing and somehow works against them.

No. Vaccines work. Proxy bids work.

And they work tremendously well. You’d be surprised (shocked) to learn, that proxy bids saved DomainLore bidders a £ million (!!).


That is the exact amount bidders DID NOT PAY but were PREPARED TO PAY.

(I disqualified all cancelled auctions from counting, as some could have been cancelled due to shills, otherwise the figure would have stood at 1,049,870 pounds).

That’s 26% savings on all time sales of this marketplace!

Don’t know about you, but to me this figure is really astonishing. I wanted to calculate it a long ago, but got round to it just now, after noticing how many bidders are missing their wins and have to literally beg new owners offering multiples after the auctions ended.


You are not losing anything. You are winning in the end.

And here is another interesting bit, if you’re still reading ;)

The largest “proxy bid” saving was realized by the buyer of auction.

The winning bid was - £30,450. Winner’s proxy bid was - £57,000.
